Subway Validation Results for South Korea

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Busan Y sub: 4 / 4 lr: 2 / 2 st: 149 / 149 int: 11 / 11 e: 0
Daegu Y sub: 2 / 2 lr: 1 / 1 st: 91 / 91 int: 3 / 3 e: 0
Daejeon Y sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 22 / 22 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
Gwangju Y sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 20 / 20 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
Incheon Y sub: 2 / 2 lr: 0 / 0 st: 56 / 56 int: 1 / 1 e: 0
Seoul Y sub: 9 / 9 lr: 0 / 0 st: 340 / 428 int: 4 / 0 e: 0
stop node 5801559319 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2404374, "서울 지하철 2호선 - 외선순환")
stop node 5349724971 is not connected to a station in route (relation 2404374, "서울 지하철 2호선 - 외선순환")
stop node 5349724971 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4729409, "서울 지하철 2호선 - 내선순환")
stop node 5801559319 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4729409, "서울 지하철 2호선 - 내선순환")
Ambiguous station 가산디지털단지역 in route. Please use stop_position or split interchange stations (relation 2718886, "7호선")
stop node 5349724970 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4744340, "5호선 상일동 방면 (Line 5, to Sangil-dong)")
stop node 5801302007 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4744340, "5호선 상일동 방면 (Line 5, to Sangil-dong)")
Missing station=subway on a stop (node 355172782, "창동")
Ambiguous station 가산디지털단지역 in route. Please use stop_position or split interchange stations (relation 7922928, "7호선")
stop node 5801302007 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4744339, "5호선 방화 방면 (Line 5, to Banghwa)")
stop node 5349724970 is not connected to a station in route (relation 4744339, "5호선 방화 방면 (Line 5, to Banghwa)")
Found 340 stations in routes, expected 428
A stop or a platform n3426723651 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
Stop "충정로" (pos) is 77 meters from the tracks (relation 2404374, "서울 지하철 2호선 - 외선순환")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 4744340, "5호선 상일동 방면 (Line 5, to Sangil-dong)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 4744339, "5호선 방화 방면 (Line 5, to Banghwa)")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2718901, "8호선")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 7919018, "8호선")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 2404374, "서울 지하철 2호선 - 외선순환")
Route does not have a return direction (relation 4729409, "서울 지하철 2호선 - 내선순환")
155 unused stations: n1105622676, n1407854171, n1553878202, n1684912049, n1905074719, n1906684759, n1906756322, n1906756403, n1906756417, n1914136556, n1914136597, n1914136725, n1914727295, n1914727373, n1915043090, n1915043091, n1915043092, n1915043093, n1915043094, n1915043095, ...
991 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations
Found 4 interchanges, expected 0
Seoul - NeoTrans Y sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 13 / 13 int: 0 / 0 e: 3
71 unused stations: n1725220033, n1725220064, n1725220074, n1725220163, n1815427116, n1906684759, n1914136556, n1914136597, n1914136725, n1914727295, n1914727373, n1915043090, n1915043091, n1915043093, n1915043094, n1915043095, n1939100051, n2102704507, n2110270505, n2110270528, ...
Found 3 entrances not used in routes or stop_areas: n3404837659, n3404837660, n3404837662
236 subway entrances are not in stop_area relations

Produced by Subway Preprocessor on 09.08.2018 17:19.