Subway Validation Results for Ukraine

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City Subway Lines Light Rail Lines Stations Interchanges Unused Entrances
Dnipropetrovsk Y sub: 1 / 1 lr: 0 / 0 st: 6 / 6 int: 0 / 0 e: 0
Tracks seem to go in the opposite direction to stops (relation 1202305, "Метро: Покровська → Вокзальна")
Kharkiv Y sub: 3 / 3 lr: 0 / 0 st: 30 / 30 int: 3 / 3 e: 0
Kiev Y sub: 3 / 3 lr: 1 / 1 st: 67 / 67 int: 5 / 3 e: 0
A stop or a platform r8077930 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
A stop or a platform r6013254 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
A stop or a platform r8077931 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
A stop or a platform r8077935 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
A stop or a platform r8077932 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
A stop or a platform r8077936 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
A stop or a platform r8077934 belongs to multiple stations, might be correct
Only one route in route_master. Please check if it needs a return route (relation 7786516, "Міська електричка: по часовой")
2 unused stations: n1772762979, n2644051429
Found 5 interchanges, expected 3
More than one network: Київський метрополітен (3); КП «Київпастранс» (1)

Produced by Subway Preprocessor on 09.08.2018 17:19.